#BestOfInUth: These Are The 6 Most Unforgettable Videos Of 2018
Our year was filled with way too many interesting ups and downs
Newstalkers -- With this bunch around, you will never miss a news alert. We make news fun for you, politics entertaining and world events easy to understand. Be it newsmakers, political controversies, student movements, protest marches -- watch this space for anything and everything that drives the national and international discourse. And we promise, we not be boring, loud or patronising :)
Our year was filled with way too many interesting ups and downs
Deepika responded to him with a namaste as thank you
The farmer alleges that a local official had taken away his land's papers and asked for a bribe in exchange for them
The party wants to ensure 50 per cent reservation for women in the Lok Sabha
The couple also incorporated a diagram with the word 'LOVE' using molecular structuring
Lo and behold, it's that time of the year again when round-up lists spring to life and give us reason to cheer. This was the year of cray-cray and some…
A photo of the circular issued by the authorities has been widely circulated on social media
The initiative comes after the Health Ministry banned smoking and spitting tobacco in its own premises in Delhi and made it a strictly punishable offence