Everyday, These Kids In Assam Have To Sail On Banana Stems To Reach School
Last month, a video of young school children using aluminium pots to cross a river to reach their school had gone viral on social media.
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Last month, a video of young school children using aluminium pots to cross a river to reach their school had gone viral on social media.
If you are inspired by all things street style and want to play with a few basic trends, we have got just the thing for you.
In India, at least 56 pedestrians are killed on roads every day
Pathak, who has already contested a Lok Sabha and an assembly election previously, believes BJP has failed to meet the expectations of public.
Between the months of April and September alone, 79,350 hand towels, 27,545 bedsheets, 21,050, pillow covers, 2,150 pillows and 2,065 blankets were stolen
The police action left 14 injured & the images of bleeding farmers went viral. Police alleges farmers broke down barricades with their vehicles.
Your answer to those clueless 'I don't have anything to wear' moments.
The prisoner complained of stomach pain after the incident. On examination, the doctors found a three-inch long mobile phone inside his stomach.