8 Times Indian Billboards Were Unintentionally Funny
Our billboards show that we need not crack a joke in order to be funny.
Newstalkers -- With this bunch around, you will never miss a news alert. We make news fun for you, politics entertaining and world events easy to understand. Be it newsmakers, political controversies, student movements, protest marches -- watch this space for anything and everything that drives the national and international discourse. And we promise, we not be boring, loud or patronising :)
Our billboards show that we need not crack a joke in order to be funny.
The dating app will launch the India-exclusive feature — called 'My Move' — which will provide women with an extra layer of protection before men start talking to them
Prejudice was taught to us and if you think the society has managed to unlearn it, this Twitter thread is just the eye-opener you might have needed
The cops were later suspended.
Ever wondered about your toys coming to life? Who are you kidding? Of course, you have. Now, it could be a reality. A recently developed robotic skin c…
Pick a saree according to your unique personal style.
Against the approved strength of 22,474 individuals, the working strength of the lower judiciary is 16,726. Even the Supreme Court is short of six judges.
Despite appeals, authorities have refused to address the problem of acute electricity shortage