No matter how bad a day has been, one can always count on a dog or on dog videos to make it a lot better. Isn’t it? To top that if it’s a dog that can sing and sit like a human it just adds to all the cuteness factor. On that note, more like a high note actually, we bring to you ‘Quincy’.
Some of you know might know him from all the singing he does with his human and has a verified page dedicated to himself and his human. Quincy is a Bichon Frise and is spreading smiles and cheers all over social media. All this is not for nothing though. Quincy can do quite a few things, mind you.
With a page named ‘Patrick Barnes Vine’ on Facebook, this one is described by his human as the ‘best dog ever’ and we can totally feel him on how he feels about his friend. So, meet ‘Quincy’ and let us show you a few things he is awesome at doing.
He is very very sure that he is a human. Yes.
My dog thinks he’s a human _ @quincyvines Snapchat __peebasaur
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He can sit like a human and can also sing. What are your skills?
Best Dog Ever _ @quincyvines Snapchat __peebasaur
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The coolness he exudes even when is single on Valentine’s Day, take a cue humans!
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Quincy’s still trying to process how close Christmas is. Or maybe he is trying to choose a gift for himself.
His favorite time of the year __@quincyvines Snapchat__peebasaur
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From late night talks to turning a suitcase upside down, there is nothing Quincy cannot do.
Best dog ever compilation! _ @quincyvines Snapchat__peebasaur
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For endless cheer and goof, follow this lad on his Instagram page which understandably boasts of 286k followers.
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