What takes a bull’s worth to INR 2.3 crores? The answer lies about 213 kms away from the National Capital, in a small village of Haryana, Budha Khera. Our first few minutes in the village was an exercise in communication skills. We asked the directions to house of Sultan, the bull. No answer. Then we tried the owner, Rakesh Kumar. Again no answer. Finally, a hand gesture elucidating drinking, Sultan is after all known as the whiskey-drinking bull in this parts. Prompt reply. Sultan’s occupies the pride tabela of Budha Khera, bang in the middle of the village square.
Sultan belongs to Murrah breed and according to his owner, is approximately six feet in height, 14 feet long and weighs over one tonne. The bull has participated in several animal fares and competitions. Kumar, seems to love talking about Sultan’s are-you-kidding-me diet. Take a load of this, a staggering Rs 1 lakh is spent on Sultan’s diet per month which include mustard oil, milk, apples, carrots, grains and leaves. And of course, two bottles of whiskey per day.
Except on Tuesdays of course. Because, sanskar.
Sultan has been the front-runner in several competitions.
Owners earn around Rs 10 million every year by just selling his semen. A single dose of semen costs around Rs 300 and he has apparently fathered over 1 lakh offsprings.
Next time you are in that part of the town, don’t forget to say hi to Sultan. Don’t forget to bear a gift though. A bottle or two will be fine.
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