Selvamma has been selling corn for almost two decades outside Vidhan Sabha in Bengaluru. For years, those buying corn from her or passing by the Vidhan Sabha may or may not have noticed her. But today, at 75, she is becoming a popular face on social media.
It was becoming difficult for Selvamma to fan the coal with her hands. However, the tech capital came up with a ‘tech’ solution to her problem.
Last Wednesday, Bengaluru-based Selco foundation gifted her a solar-powered fan. A photo of Selvamma near her cart with solar equipment installed in it also had gone viral on Twitter.
The solar equipment, which has an adjustable DC fan, light fixtures and a lithium-ion battery (which reduces coal consumption and reduces dust generation). It also aides in reducing pollution. Even after the sunset the light and fan will work for four hours.
The Selco foundation has said that it was part of their pilot project.
With an energy crisis looming large, such small initiatives can make an impact on some lives and give us new alternatives to look for.
Amid the media attention, Selvamma continues to sell corns, but now with less strain.
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