Though we have most famous Bollywood songs in our playlist which we play on the loop but we can not deny the feeling of utmost joy when we hear those quirky Bhojpuri songs with cheesy lyrics and jazzy beats. Well, they’re amazing. They’ve got one crazy lot of lyrics, and an insane beat that just gets you going—dancing—not just one step at a time but in a wild frantic movement of your limbs.
Some of the most famous Bhojpuri songs like ‘Lagawelu Jab Lipistic’, ‘Bagal Wali Jaan Mareli’ and ‘Gamcha Bichai Ke’ are known across the globe for their beats and lyrics. Even some of the songs have their best remix versions as well.
Manoj Tiwari, Dinesh Lal Yadav ‘Nirahua’, Kalpana Patowary, Shradha Sinha are the best singers who have given their voice to some of the most famous Bhojpuri songs.
On the occasion of Bihar divas here is the list of five most epic Bhojpuri songs that will shake every inch of your body:
Originally sung by Pawan Singh and Indu Sonali, this song is extremely popular in parties. Later, it was sung by Manoj Tiwari. It is one of the most famous Bhojpuri songs across the globe and makes you get on the floor immediately.
One of the quirkiest Bhojpuri songs ‘Gamcha Bichai Ke’ is famous among boys. The moment they hear it, one can actually see a spark in their eyes to break the floor.
‘Foolori Bina Chatni Kaise Bani…’ is known, heard by people since ages and still enjoyed with the same joy.
The insane lyrics of the song drive many crazy. No matter where you are and what are you do, the beats of the songs will give you an adrenaline rush.
It is the ultimate party anthem for boys at the clubs or at weddings. People go gaga and are ready to break the dancing floor as soon as ‘Bagal Waali Jaan Maare Li…’ is played.
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