Going beyond his administrative duties, the Headmaster of a government primary school in Karnataka’s Hongahalli starts his day by cleaning school toilets. B Mahadeshwara Swamy aims at creating a habitable environment for students keen on learning. Swami believes keeping the places one uses clean is one’s basic duty.
Swamy has been cleaning the toilets of whichever school he works in since 1988 and has no plans of discontinuing it. He started cleaning the toilets from his very first working day in this school. Speaking to TOI, he said, “I worked there for over 8 years. That stint taught me the importance of personal hygiene and social service. In 1994, I joined the government service, and continued the same approach.”
TOI also spoke to a villager who said, “What makes him special is he ensures that every student takes care of personal hygiene. He also makes every child a part of learning activities, sports, and games. Parents are pleased and are sending their children to school regularly.”
Not only does Swamy clean the toilets after the school day’s over, but he also tries to maintain the garden and clean the classrooms. He has also set-up a library with his own money for the students of the school.
Around 121 students currently study here.
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