How much pet-love is too much pet-love? Correct answer: that question’s stupid. How can there be such a thing as too much pet-love? If you could keep your pup or kitten with you at all times (even as a tattoo), wouldn’t you opt for that? If the response to that is no, your pet needs a better human.
In the news is the fabulous South Korean artist Jiran who lives in Seoul, and makes tattoos for a living. This, in a country where tattoos are illegal. Jiran’s interpretations of pets however isn’t like your average tattoo artist’s. What he adds to the mix is a fun prop of his own to the existing photo the customer provides. The result is pretty unique and goofy.
Over the years, he has shared several pictures of happy customers and their quirky-looking tattoos with his 87.1k followers on Instagram. In case you’re looking to brighten up your timeline with fun updates every once in a while, make sure you follow him.
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#멍스타그램 #푸들스타그램 #반려견타투 #dogtattoo
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