For many people, yoga is a part of their daily routine, however busy they are during the day they often take out time to do yoga. Same goes with this Swedish pilot who has a massive fan following on Instagram and credits yoga with keeping her calm. One can get to know about her passion for flying and yoga through the photos that she puts on Instagram.
Maria Fagerström, a 25-year-old commercial pilot who hails from Lund in Sweden has become an Instagram sensation with as many as 240,000 followers. It has been two years since she has started flying commercially.
In a report published in UK daily The Independent, Maria said, “I take my yoga mat with me everywhere I go. I think it’s important to find time for yourself, even if it’s only for five minutes of your day.
Maria ( Photo: Instagram)
Maria (Photo: Instagram)
“Doing yoga creates this calm inside of me and my favourite part is after you finish your practise you now see everything with different eyes, life is then a little less stressful,” she added.
Maria (Photo: Instagram)
She is not the only one in the family who is a pilot, her father too is a captain on an Airbus 320. Since she was young her father used to take Maria and her sisters with him on his travels and this is when she fell in love with aviation. Maria said, “I couldn’t think of a better way to see the world from such a young age, I fell in love with aviation and the world”.
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