Days after he quit the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), former party executive member Sapam Kunjakeswor, more commonly known as Keba, on Monday asked the central party leadership to repay the expenditure incurred by him during Narendra Modi’s visit to Manipur in 2014 and for the renovation of state BJP office at Nityaipat Chithek in Imphal.
The ex-BJP member revealed about his expenditure in a press meet at his residence at Sagolband Tera Sapam Leirak in Imphal.
“During the 2014 rally of Narendra Modi in Imphal before parliamentary elections, I invested Rs 44.70 lakh from my own pocket. Again, during the construction of BJP office at Nityaipat Chithek I donated Rs 14.79 lakh” said Sapam Keba.
Keba had left BJP after he was denied the party ticket for the assembly constituency of Patsoi in Imphal West District of Manipur. Keba said that as the central BJP leaders have refused to acknowledge his contribution and potential, he wants his money back.
Sapam Kunjakeshor, who joined North East India Development Party (NEIDP) on Sunday, kick-started his political campaign on Monday. The political meeting was presided by the president of NEIDP Narengbam Samarjit Meitei.
Propaganda secretary Yumlembam Brojendro Meitei said NEIDP was born to bring togetherness and for rewriting a new history of Manipur, based on peace and harmony.
To create a corruption free government, the people of Manipur have to give a chance to the party, he said. “To create a bright future of Manipur, money power, muscle power and previous experience is not a decisive factor and the only factor is the bravehearts who are needed to fight this,” said the Party president N Samarjit Meitei.
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