In an explosive disclosure, cornered Samajwadi Party leader and former Rajya Sabha MP Amar Singh has alleged that the entire power struggle in Yadav family was a programmed drama scripted by Party patriarch Mulayam Singh Yadav.’
Speaking with an English News Channel, Amar Singh said that Mulayam planned it all along to beat the anti-incumbency and distarct people’s attention from the law and order situation in the state.
Describing Mulayam Singh as a master script writer, Singh said “It was a programmed drama in which all of us were given a role. I subsequently realised that we are being used.”
“That umbilical cord with SP government was cut after I was expelled. I came to realise it was a ploy to distract from the anti-incumbency, law and order situation,” he added.
” Mulayam loves being defeated at the hands of his son. Cycle, son, and SP are his weaknesses. Even at polling day, the entire family went together. So why all the drama?” said Singh who was considered the root cause of friction between the father and son.
Calling Mulayam’s anger over his party’s alliance with Congress as fake, Singh said if Mulayam Singh had no desire for an alliance with Congress, he would not have had such a long meeting with Priyanka Gandhi.
To prove his claim, the expelled SP leader said,when Mulayam went to the Election Commission for the second time to stake claim on ‘cycle’, he didn’t took him along as he would have strongly pitched for the poll symbol.
Just a few months before Uttar Pardesh assembly elections, Samajwadi Party witnessed a high voltage political drama in Yadav family that resulted in Akhilesh Yadav taking over reins of the party from his father Mulayam Singh Yadav.
Shivpal Yadav, Mulayam’s younger brother, has been marginalised and is missing from most of the campaign, he has announced that he will float a new party after March 11.
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