A day after Navjot Singh Sidhu joined the Congress, former Chief Minister of Punjab and Congress leader, Captain Amarinder Singh defended Sidhu saying that there was no big deal in him joining the party. Commenting on Sidhu’s “Ghar Wapsi” remark, Amarinder Singh said that it was “Ghar Wapsi” for him because his father was from the party.
He also asserted that it was his last election and he would indeed defeat the Badals on their home turf. Navjot Singh Sidhu who formally joined the Congress Party while speaking about his relation and alleged spat with Capt Amarinder Singh, Sidhu said, “that if two nations can resolves their issues why can’t two individuals.”
No there is no deal behind Sidhu’s joining. He himself said his father was in Congress and that its his ‘ghar wapsi’: Capt Amarinder Singh pic.twitter.com/S7eW3jbZsm
— ANI (@ANI_news) January 17, 2017
Mere Punjab ka ek boondh paani bhi nahi jaayega: Capt Amarinder Singh on SYL Canal issue pic.twitter.com/AgKg24LZRN
— ANI (@ANI_news) January 17, 2017
He was a year junior to me and I know, he was a lacklustre and an average general: Capt Amarinder Singh on Gen JJ Singh(SAD candidate)
— ANI (@ANI_news) January 17, 2017
This is my last election and I will defeat Badal on his home seat: Capt Amarinder Singh pic.twitter.com/NpidcHnSA5
— ANI (@ANI_news) January 17, 2017
Meanwhile, Parkash Singh Badal took a jibe at Sidhu and said, “These are all migratory birds. The people of Punjab are aware who worked for them.” Sidhu had asserted that he was a born Congressman and was only going back to his roots. He further urged the Badals to “run” as the people of the state is bracing themselves for a new government.
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