Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) supremo Mayawati, who didn’t believe in the power of social media, is embracing digital technology ahead of the crucial Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls. The party which used to urge its cadres to stay away from social media, but after receiving positive responses online, the party seems to have shedded the traditional methods of campaigning to win the elections.
The BSP will go to polls without a manifesto, claiming it doesn’t need one because the party keeps all its promises. But the party’s social media team has now declared the issues it would be looking at if it comes to power.
Speaking to InUth, a senior BSP leader said, “Behanji has realised that social media these days plays a major role in influencing the voters. The party high command has decided to focus on social media and we will keep bringing new things on Twitter and Facebook.”
The party made its debut on social media in 2016 and has not looked back ever since. While its social media team is already posting videos and memes to promote the BSP among youngsters online, party members are making sure to leave no stone unturned by continuing door-to-door campaigning at the ground level too.
हिन्दू, मुस्लिम, दलित साथ चलेगा,
UP में अब मायाराज चलेगा….#BSP— Bahujan Samaj Party (@BspUp2017) January 16, 2017
“We have been directed by the senior leaders to rely on social media as well as door-to-door campaigning. Not everybody is technology friendly so we are also meeting the voters on daily basis,” said a party worker.
Many BSP leaders, without disclosing their names, have set up party accounts on social networking sites, and are keeping the supporters abreast of party activities and the views of party supremo Mayawati.
The supporters are also all over Twitter. Among the most active new handles are @MayawatiUP, @BSPUttarPradesh, @BspUp2017, @BSP4UP, @bsp_2017, @Bspmission_2017, and @BSPSocialFeed.
Bollywood pens BSP anthem
The BSP has turned towards Bollywood to give shape to a party anthem for the elections this time. Trying to keep up with BJP’s slogans such as ‘Ab UP Bhi Badlega’ and Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav’s ‘Kaam Bolta Hai’, the BSP has come up with its own slogan — ‘Behenji Ko Aaane Do’. It has also decided on a theme song — Sinhasan Pe Maya Behen. While the song has been written by Bollywood lyricist Manoj Muntashir, Vishal Mishra is the music director. It has been sung by Divya Kumar and Aishwarya Nigam.
गुंडों को ऐसा तोड़ा जायेगा की याद रखेंगे : बहन मायावती जी #BSP
Must watch and RT— Bahujan Samaj Party (@BspUp2017) January 16, 2017
From Behanji to ‘Brand Mayawati’
To fight Brand Akhilesh and Brand NaMo, party strategists are working hard to project the BSP supremo as ‘Brand Mayawati’. Her image is being modified on daily basis, the team is working hard to restore the faith of the voters. They want to build an image like if people see Mayawati’s picture, the immediate thought of good law and order situation should come to the mind of the voters.
बहन जी को आने दो!#विकास_का_हाथी#BSP
— Bahujan Samaj Party (@BspUp2017) January 16, 2017
To woo voters and take on its rival parties. The campaign ‘Behanji Ko Aane Do’ referring to Mayawati has been prepared by the party’s social media team.
Themes like let daughters smile, make villages prosperous, dignity of all communities, new light for minorities, justice for the innocent, fulfil youth dreams, and empowerment of women and senior citizens will be included in the series of videos prepared by the social media team.
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