Looks like Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav are leaving no stone unturned to win the upcoming Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections 2017. After coming up with the slogan, “UP ko yeh saath pasand hain,” the Samajwadi Party and Congress have come up with an election campaign song titled, “Yeh hui na baat.”
The catchy poll song has been sung by Amit Mishra who recently gave a huge hit recently with Bulleya in Karan Johar’s Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. The song has been composed by Krsna Solo and penned down by lyricist Raj Shekhar who shot fame with Tanu Weds Manu.
The campaign song highlights the new alliance between the Congress and the Samajwadi Party and how both Akhilesh Yadav and Rahul Gandhi will overcome all odds and defeat everyone in the elections. The song also goes on to state the past achievements of Akhilesh Yadav.
While speaking about the motive and the purpose of the alliance, Rahul Gandhi had said, “The alliance will be a reply to the politics of hate as I want to end the politics of hate. It is a union of Ganga-Jamuna. The alliance will fulfill three P’S: Prosperity, Progress, Peace. The alliance will bring development in the state. Our goal is to defeat RSS and BJP ideology.”
On January 22, both the parties formally announced their alliance in a press conference ahead of the upcoming Uttar Pradesh elections. Congress leader Raj Babbar asserted that the party hoped the alliance will send out a positive message and that the party will work hard for the development of the state of Uttar Pradesh.
Clarifying the doubtful talks doing round, it was also announced that the Samajwadi Party will have 298 candidates, while the Congress will contest for 105 seats.
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