The Kanpur train tragedy that claimed 149 innocent lives was a conspiracy and it was hatched from people sitting across border, Prime Minister Narendar Modi said on Friday. Speaking at a rally in Gonda ahead of fifth phase of assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh, the prime minister said “Kanpur rail accident in which hundreds were killed was a conspiracy and the police found out that the conspirators carried it out sitting across the border (Nepal),”
“Gonda is adjoining Nepal…if the cross-border foes want to carry out their work, is it not necessary that more vigil is maintained in Gonda?” he added. “If people who will help the conspirators are elected from here, will Gonda be safe, will the nation be safe,” the PM added.
Nearly 150 people died and many more were injured after Patna-Indore Express derailed in Kanpur dehat district in the wee hours of November 20. Earlier in February, The National Investigation Agency (NIA) had confirmed that Dubai-based Shamshul Huda, was the “mastermind” of the train sabotage . Huda, an alleged ISI agent, was arrested by Nepal Police after being deported from Dubai.
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