Days after addressing a rally in Haridwar, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a rally in Srinagar district of Uttarakhand ahead of upcoming Uttarakhand Assembly elections. Meanwhile, Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi will address a public gathering in Haridwar.
Here’s what the Prime minister said during the rally:
1:20 PM: But I have the blessings of 1.25 crore people of India and hence this chai-wala is able to fight these people (who looted the country).
1:15 PM: For 70-years these powerful people looted the nation, they think what can this chai wala do? They are very powerful people.
1:08 PM: Congress didn’t even note difficulties our ex-servicemen faced. They made a joke out of OROP, it was implemented once we assumed office.
1:05 PM: Some still haven’t come to senses after Demonetisations, they can say things, call me names but I don’t mind I will fight & work for poor.
1:00 PM: Times have changed, the government in the national capital has changed. Indian soldiers will no more tolerate attacks but will now reciprocate.
12: 58 PM: Before Pakistan could question the surgical strike, people in our country started raising questions. Why do our politicians need a proof of our army’s valour?
12:55 PM: We want Uttarakhand to be connected with the entire country with all-weather roads. We have allotted Rs. 12,000 crore for Char Dham.
12:50 PM: Would like to prioritise every aspect of development in the state. You have elected me to run the central government I will not disappoint you.
12:40 PM: Why did Congress oppose the creation of Uttarakhand as a state? Those who cannot think well of the people here, how can they govern?
12:35 PM: Samajwadi party & Congress ruined Uttarakhand. They played with aspirations of people here.
12:30 PM: Atal ji created three states – Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand & Uttarakhand. Both Chhattisgarh & Jharkhand have progressed under BJP govts
12 मार्च को ये कांग्रेस की सरकार भूतपूर्व हो जाएगी और 11 मार्च को जो चुनाव के नतीजे आएंगे वो अभूतपूर्व बन जाएंगे : पीएम मोदी
— BJP (@BJP4India) February 12, 2017
श्रीनगर की जनता इतनी बड़ी संख्या में मुझे आशीर्वाद देने आई है, मैं श्रीनगर की जनता को नमन करता हूँ : पीएम नरेन्द्र मोदी
— BJP (@BJP4India) February 12, 2017
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