The fans of Mahesh Babu have breathed a sigh of relief. The Telugu superstar’s upcoming film with AR Murugadoss has finally got a title. Jointly produced by eight producers, including NV Prasad, Tagore Madhu, Reliance Entertainment, Leo Productions, Mega Super Good Films, Fox Star Studios along with Mahesh Babu and director Murugadoss under their respective banners, the action-thriller is touted to be a Tamil-Telugu bilingual. The film stars Rakul Preet Singh in the female lead and also marks the Tamil debut of the Tollywood Prince.
Earlier, many titles were circulated as film’s name including Vasco Da Gama, Agent Shiva and Abhimanyu.
However, a few minutes ago, the makers revealed the titled as SPYder. The makers also released two different first look posters of the film along with its stylish title.
Within no time, Mahesh Babu fans trended the film worldwide on Twitter with hashtag #SPYderFirstLook.
SPYder also marks the second Telugu outing of AR Murugadoss after 2006 hit Stalin, the original version of Salman Khan starrer Jai Ho.
Though the makers are yet to reveal the plot of the film, there are also reports that SPYder deals with the issue of terrorism. Mahesh Babu portrays the role of an intelligent officer in the film, which also marks the Telugu debut of Tamil actor S.J. Surya. The new actor will be seen donning the role of the main antagonist in SPYder.
SPYder is also touted to be the biggest Telugu film after SS Rajamouli’s Baahubali: The Beginning. The film is reportedly being made on a whopping budget of Rs 120 crore.
SPYder is scheduled for a worldwide release on June 23, 2017.
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