Aamir Khan’s Dangal is set the China box office on fire and is strongly moving ahead in terms of collections. After crossing Rs 100 crore mark, the film has now surged ahead of Hollywood flick Guardians Of The Galaxy 2. Not only this, the film is setting new benchmarks for Indian films in China and is all set to cross Rs 150 crore mark in a day or two. So far, the Aamir starrer has earned Rs 148.67 crore.
Helmed by Nitesh Tiwari, Dangal is a biopic of former Indian wrestler Mahavir Phogat, who trains his daughters to become world champions in wrestling. The film released in China as Shuai Jiao Baba on May 5 which means Let’s Wrestle, Dad. Dangal released in around 7,000 screens and minted over Rs 120 crore by Tuesday evening, said a spokesperson of Aamir Khan Productions.
Reacting to the overwhelming response to the movie, Aamir told IANS over email: “Me and the entire team of Dangal are very touched with the love and affection that our film ‘Dangal’ is getting in China. I have been visiting Chinese social media websites and reading translations of the reactions. It is truly moving to see such a strong emotional bond that the Chinese have with our film.”
He further added: “On behalf of our entire team, I would like to thank our Chinese audience and want them to know that we are all so happy. And I would like to thank our distributors in China for giving our film such a nice release.”
Trade Analyst Ramesh Bala took to Twitter and wrote:
. @aamir_khan ‘s #Dangal moves to No.1 in #China ahead of #GUARDIANSOFTHEGALAXY2 on Day 6.. A Proud Moment for #IndianCinema pic.twitter.com/0EmlCxmAp4
— Ramesh Bala (@rameshlaus) May 11, 2017
Well, with Dangal ruling the China box office like a boss, it will be interesting to see how the movie will perform in the coming weeks.
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(With inputs from IANS)
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