Karan Johar has released a statement where he made clear that his film ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ starring Fawad Khan will release on October 28, 2016. The director has also made it clear through his statement that it is Fawad Khan’s film. Earlier, reports were doing the round that its release date might be pushed due to the controversies surrounding the movie. But Karan Johar made it clear once and for all that the movie will release on the same day. The film became a point of discussion because it features Pakistani actor Fawad Khan.
The trailer and the songs of the ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil‘ are topping the chartbusters. Fans are eagerly waiting to see Aishwarya Rai and Ranbir Kapoor’s chemistry as they are romancing each other on-screen for the first time. Along with them, the fresh pairing of Fawad Khan and Anushka Sharma is also something to look forward to. The trailer has already piqued our interest with its fresh take on love and heartbreak. Fans were in for a shock when rumours started doing the round that Saif Ali Khan will replace Fawad Khan in the movie but Karan Johar denied the rumours.
The Dharma Productions and the Fox Star Studio stated that the movie will release as per the schedule. They added that the movie got a U/A certificate from the censor board. The producers of the movie said that their film is all about spreading the love. In an interview given to IANS, Apoorva Mehta, CEO, Dharma Productions, said “Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ has been cleared by the censor board and we are gearing up for its release on October 28. Diwali is all about love and ‘Ae Dil…’ is all about spreading the love.” The film stars Fawad Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Anushka Sharma in pivotal roles.
(Courtesy: Giphy)
Vijay Singh, CEO, Fox Star Studios stated that the love story presented in the movie is unique and modern. It’s all about celebrating love, friendship, and heartbreaks. There have been reports that the Cine Owners Association in Maharashtra has decided not to release the film in the theaters. They backed out after paying heed to the security threat from MNS, stating that they can’t let Karan Johar’s film release in the state on single screens.
(Courtesy: YouTube/Fox Star Studios)
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Earlier, MNS also issued a threat to all the Pakistani artistes to leave India. The decision was taken in the wake of Uri attack in which 18 Indian soldiers were killed. The IMPPA also stated that the producers of the association have put a ban on working with the Pakistani actors. ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil‘ is set to clash with Ajay Devgn’s ‘Shivaay‘.
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