Bollywood actress, Alia Bhatt who has often raised her voice against animal cruelty has yet again spoken about the issue and demanded severe punishment for a group of four people who were captured on in a CCTV camera savagely pummeling a stray dog to death with bricks.
According to a report by leading website, a group of four men killed a stray dog in South Delhi. While the reason for killing has not be ascertained, police has not ruled out the possibility of the attackers killing the dog to get some meat. The shameful act was recorded in a private CCTV camera installed by a resident of the area. Varun, an animal activist has filed a complain against the four men under section 428 of Indian Penal Code and section 11 of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960.
The police is currently investigating on the matter, however the accused are yet to be identified. The police department is yet to recover the dog’s body as well. The CCTV footage clearly showed that after killing the dog, the men stuffed the dead body in a plastic bag and took it along with them.
Actress turned director, Pooja Bhatt shared a link describing the entire incident with the caption “This is horrific”
This is horrific-Men filmed savagely killing a sleeping stray In Delhi via @MailOnline
— Pooja Bhatt (@PoojaB1972) August 18, 2017
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Quoting her tweet, Alia Bhatt revealed that she was shocked and demanded the law to take severe action against the men involved in the shameful act. She tweeted,
What the hell is this????? I am shocked!!!! How can people do this? This is a crime! I am disgusted!!! This demands severe punishment!
— Alia Bhatt (@aliaa08) August 18, 2017
The cops are currently investigating the matter from all possible angles.
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