Ever since the third installment of Barun Sobti popular show Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 3 has been announced, fans were eagerly waiting to catch Baru Sobti and Sanaya Irani’s hit Jodi together. But all their excitement came to an end when they get to know that Sanaya has been replaced by Shivani Tomar. Everyone wanted to know the reason behind the new cast member of the popular show. Now finally the show’s producer Gul Khan has reacted over the subject.
At the launch of the show, Gul explained her stand on choosing Shivani Tomar in the female lead. She said: “She (Sanaya Irani) does not fit the character. It was fun working with her but we hope to have fun with Shivani now. I stand by my casting of Shivani in this season, she is the best Chandni.”
But interestingly, Barun who earlier worked with Sanaya did not find anything wrong in casting Shivani opposite him in the show. Barun and Sanaya’s chemistry in Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon garnered a great response from the viewers. However, Barun supporting Gul Khan’s stand said: “Different characters need different actors to be cast. I was cast for suitability. How come people are missing Sanaya without watching the show?”
Well going by his comment, we must say Barun seems very confident about the fact that audience will accept Shivani in the latest season of Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon.
Meanwhile, Sanaya, who is currently busy with the eighth edition of Nach Baliye also reacted over being replaced by the producer. She said: “It’s not like I have rejected the offer or I don’t want to do the show. I really have no idea. You have to ask Star Plus and Gul Khan why I am not part of the show”.
Also Read: Sanaya Irani has a special message for Barun Sobti before Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 3 hits TV
In the upcoming show, Shivani Tomar will be seen essaying the role of Chandani who hails from a royal family. While Barun will be seen portraying Advay Singh Raizada. The show will go on air later this month.
(Source- Bollwoodlife.com)
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