Contestants like Nitibha Kaul, Navin Prakash, Manveer Gurjar and Lokesh Kumari Sharma have finally found their voices in Bigg Boss 10 house. It seems that the second luxury task of the season has made contestants more vocal than expected. So they are now openly giving threats, abusing each other and fighting-shouting like never before.
In the last night’s episode of Bigg Boss 10, following things happened:
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2. The commoners were seen venting out on Swami Om. Manveer, Manu, Pravin, Nitibha and Lokesh asked Swami ji to either participate in the game or refrain from telling them where they are lacking. In a much hilarious moment, Swami ji tells his team members that his prayers will always play an important role in their win, irrespective of his participation in the game.
Also read: Bigg Boss 10: Deepika Padukone’s silence on Swami Om’s sexist story is disappointing
3. The team orange of Indiawale contestants won the task and became maaliks again. This means that they are entitled to give orders to the celebrity contestants in the house.
4. Earlier, Nitibha refused to make coffee for Bani and this led to a stiff argument between the two. However, with the start of the game, they forget the issue and let it go.
Also read: Bigg Boss 10: We’re loving Lopamudra Raut and Swami Om’s love-hate relationship
5. In an emotional moment, Lokesh got teary eyed and missed her family. Manu noticed that and tried to cheer her up. This marked the end of yet another full of hustle-bustle day in the house.
The nominated contestants this week are Gaurav Chopra, Rohan Mehra, Manu Punjabi, Manveer Gurjar, Nitibha Kaul and Akansha Singh. While Rohan, Manu and Manveer are doing their part to remain on the camera, the rest should buck up too before the eviction day arrives!
Also read: Bigg Boss 10: 4 things that prove Priyanka Jagga’s elimination is unfair
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