Bigg Boss 10 has entered in its third week and the contestants will have to face even tougher tasks from now. While commoners Akansha Singh and Priyanka Jagga have already been showed the doors, the celebrity contestants have been asked to buck up. Contestants like Bani Judge, Gaurav Chopra, Rahul Roy and Karan Mehra have to show a little more enthusiasm in the game in order to justify their space in Bigg Boss. Though they might be putting their much efforts on the same, it seems like Bigg Boss himself has got some other plans. In tonight’s episode, an interesting nomination process will be introduced.
Contestants from both the teams will be asked to nominate one person from their respective teams. This will also ensure the removal of the current groups in the show. The traits of which have already started reflecting.
Also read: Bigg Boss 10: Akansha Singh out. Will her friend Nitibha Kaul be able to survive?
After the celebrity contestants put Monalisa in jail for the second time, the Bhojpuri actress openly confessed her affiliation towards the aam admi team. In tonight’s episode, Gaurav Chopra and VJ Bani will be seen arguing over the nomination. The ‘woman with loads of body tattoos’ will be surprised to know that Gaurav has nominated her for eviction this week and she’ll express her disappointment to him in a conversation in the living area. Gaurav will also try to reason her for his decision.
Also read: Bigg Boss 10: Manu Punjabi-Monalisa find solace together. Is romance ahead?
Even equations between Lopamudra Raut and Karan Mehra don’t seem quite stable. Another interesting highlight of the show is Swami Om’s pool dance with Monalisa. The actress will show some moves in the pool and Swami ji will be seen accompanying her in the performance. He will also be seen shedding some tears in the confession room telling Bigg Boss that nobody listens to him in the house.
Do not forget to tune into the controversial reality show tonight!
Also read: Bigg Boss 10: Deepika Padukone’s silence on Swami Om’s sexist story is disappointing
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