Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss 10 premiered with a bang last night and introduced us with probably the best mix of contestants ever on the show. As per the show’s format this season, 7 celebrities have been pitted against eight non-celebrity contestants. The names of the contestants are as follows: VJ Bani, Gaurav Chopra, Rahul Dev, Karan Mehra, Rohan Mehra, Lopamudra Raut, Monalisa, Lokesh Kumari Sharma, Manveer Gurjar, Naveen Prakash, Swami Om, Manu Punjabi, Nitibha Kaul, Priyanka Jagga and Akansha Sharma.
While all the contestants have brought in a different characteristics into the house, they all also seem to be radiating power, as put perfectly by the show’s first guest Deepika Padukone.
The premiere episode of one of the most controversial TV shows in the country saw dance performance by Salman and a visual tour of the house.
Among many interesting things that happened in the house, the stints of Swami Om ji and Manveer Gurjar are the ones worth recalling. The two evidently stood out among the 15 contestants who have entered the show this year.
The most popular munda of Jaipur Manoj Punjabi is all set to steal your hearts! #BB10
— Bigg Boss (@BiggBoss) October 17, 2016
While Swami ji was seen giving gyan to the rest, Manveer’s dabanng attitude deserves a good watch in the upcoming season.
As soon as Swami ji entered the house, he decided to make the house shuddh by sprinkling the holy water everywhere. This was, in his own words, to remove the negative energies out of the house. Later, an interesting conversation was seen happening between Manveer and the former beauty queen… While Manveer questioned the leggy lass about the trail in her dress, the lady felt awkward describing him how that was the designer dress she was wearing which was not supposed to be worn again.
Another quite bold stance came from VJ Bani who first, on the stage, proved Lokesh Sharma wrong by defeating her in the saree- wearing competition, and then later got pissed off with Swami ji’s attitude in the house.
And all this, even before the actual show is yet to begin. Definitely, a lot of entertainment ahead.
Lokesh Kumari is already ruling Twitter charts! Now, we’re waiting to see how she rules humaare hearts! #BB10
— Bigg Boss (@BiggBoss) October 17, 2016
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