Shah Rukh Khan and Alia Bhatt’s Dear Zindagi is all set to hit the cinemas on Friday and with Bollywood celebs already going gaga over the film, it would not be wrong to say that it will be a Box-Office hit. Dear Zindagi is a slice-of-life film with a fresh take on how we perceive life with Alia Bhatt playing the role of Kiara, the protagonist, and an aspiring filmmaker, who is on the lookout for a lot of unanswered questions, while Shah Rukh Khan is playing the role of Jehangir, a therapist, who gives her some life lessons.
Here are the top 5 reasons that make this film a must-watch:
Fresh and inspirational story
After making her directorial debut with English Vinglish, Gauri Shinde is back with another movie in which a woman plays the central character. The story of Dear Zindagi is fresh, inspiring and is all about exploring little things in life which makes you happy. Unlike typical romantic Bollywood films, it captures the beauty of human relations.
Shah Rukh Khan in a non-romantic role
Well, after a really long time you will be able to see Badshah in a non-starry role. Yes, this time you will see a completely different side of him, giving some valuable life lessons and not dancing or romancing the heroine. The role is somewhere close to the one he played in Chak De India but on a lot more on a cooler side.
Another off-beat film for Alia Bhatt
With her movie choices off lately, Alia Bhatt has proved that she is an impeccable actor and in a very short span has made it to the top in Bollywood. Be it her character from Udta Punjab, Highway or in Dear Zindagi, she surely knows how to pick up great roles and to bring those interesting characters to life.
No unnecessary song sequences
Dear Zindagi has an amazing music album which you will keep on humming all day long, including a revamped version of Ae Zindagi Gale Laga Le from the movie Sadma. But we thank you Gauri Shinde for not putting up abrupt song sequences in the film and not letting it become a typical Bollywood movie.
A new take on life
Dear Zindagi is full of life and makes you realise the true worth of it. It reminds us that we should not stop cherishing the small moments, irrespective of our busy life, being happy is something we need to learn from Jug (Shah Rukh Khan) and Kiara (Alia Bhatt). The movie is simply, light-hearted and meaningful.
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