Kareena Kapoor Khan has been the apple of eyes of the paparazzi for many years now. However, these days that thunder is quite easily stolen by her son Taimur Ali Khan. Kareena and Saif Ali Khan’s first born is as cute as a button. On all the outings that Kareena tags along Taimur with her, the latter impresses everyone with his cuteness. The coming of Taimur in Kareena’s life has definitely brought a huge change in the actress’ life, something she accepted on various occasions.
Chances are if you have seen Taimur’s pictures you would have become his fan. While we ourselves cannot stop gushing over the adorable pictures of Taimur, here are few statements that Kareena made about her son that tell how much life has changed for the diva. Check them out:
Kareena Kapoor Khan had once said,
My son is the most gorgeous man on this side of the equator, in India technically. You will see soon.
Being a mother is a huge responsibility and Kareena understands that. The actress said she didn’t want to leave home these days. Kareena had said:
I am still learning the ropes. In fact, Saif says my attention has completely shifted to Taimur, and keeps complaining about it. I told him, “Maybe that will be the case for a while
Taimur Ali Khan’s name had sparked a huge controversy. There were reports that Kareena and Saif have decided to change the name of their baby. Talking about it, Kareena had said:
No. I want to clarify that. How can anyone think that? Why would I call my son Little John? His name is Taimur. It is the most beautiful name, and he is the most beautiful and gorgeous man. And, no, I don’t call him Little John. Please address him as Taimur Ali Khan.
Kareena could not stop heaping praises on Saif. She had once said:
Saif is an amazing father. He is absolutely hands-on and has a hang of things because he has done it before. He is a pro and does everything without any help. You know, there is an intensity with which Taimur looks at him, unlike me. They have already bonded.
Talking about the new phase of her life, Kareena had said:
Life has come a full circle. I can praise talented contemporaries. I am made in such a way that I genuinely go out of my way to support them. Now that I am more mature, I know how to keep quiet when asked about someone I don’t like.
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