Two years after the makers dropped a few stills of the film, India’s most expensive film is upon us with the teaser for Shankar’s 2.0 finally seeing the light of day. The visionary director stuck to his guns and worked on the film’s VFX, even getting Karan Johar on board as an executive producer, and the teaser seems worth the wait.
It goes without saying that the dialogues are trite; like when Rajinikanth says – ‘this is BEYOND Science’. And Adil Hussain looks concerned and asks him, what should be done. Rajinikanth calmly says, ‘Chitti, the robot’.
It is so blatantly ludicrous, that one might give them the benefit of doubt, of being self-aware (?).
It’s all about the visuals for Shankar, something he seems to have dreamed of and then worked immensely hard to make it look half-convincing with the limitations of an Indian filmmaker. The VFX aren’t world-class obviously, but one has to hand it out to Shankar for at least conjuring up such visuals in his head.
Here are 6 mind-boggling visuals that will make you salute the genius of Shankar:
1. A trope in Shankar films, where a politician wakes up to something scary inside his bedroom. In this case, his walls are stacked with mobile phones.
2. Copying the style of many films depicting 9/11, the villain (Akshay Kumar’s ‘Crow-man’?) is introduced through a reflection a city skyscraper.
3. It’s one thing to write this on paper. But to actualise a claw appearing from behind a skyscraper – such go-for-broke ambition!
4. Safe to conclude – this is the money shot of the film.
5. Nothing, like a little throwback to Enthiran.
6. Oh, and the aftermath!
Watch the 2.0 teaser here:
There is only one Shankar.
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