Aamir Khan launched the theatrical trailer of Secret Superstar at an event in Mumbai, where the actor poured his support for his fellows, Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan, emphasising that one or two failures could never take a toll on them as the two Khans are megastars. Aamir also revealed that he believed he has built a loyal audience for himself over the years because of doing films belonging to different genres.
Aamir, who has time and again shattered Box Office records, when asked to comment on the historic performance of Baahubali 2, the superstar said that even though he hadn’t yet watched the film, it had made him realize the true potential of Hindi film market.
“Personally, I think it is great. This is what cinema is all about. Baahubali has shown us that language is not a barrier. As long as people connect to the material, story and characters, language makes no difference. So I am really happy for the film. I have not seen it unfortunately as yet, but I look forward to watch it soon. It is so wonderful that people have connected so deeply with the film and gone out in numbers to watch the film. Actually, Baahubali 2 has shown us the potential of Hindi films, which we have not yet tapped. Its great and all congratulations to the entire film for the huge success that they have had,” said Aamir.
Talking about his latest venture, Secret Superstar, Aamir Khan commended the director, Advait Chandan, for coming up with a beautiful film and that he was indeed fortunate to have worked with him. He said,
“I am fortunate that talented people like Advait come to me with such scripts. Secret Superstar is a title and in the film it refers to Ziara. She is a huge star and no longer a secret (referring to Dangal). I must tell you that Secret Superstar has many superstars in it and slowly one by one we will be revealing each of the superstar from the film and Advait is certainly one of them. When you see the film, you will realize such a beautiful film he has written.”
Also Read: Aamir Khan explains why failures of Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan don’t affect their stardom
Secret Superstar releases this Diwali.
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