Aamir Khan’s wife Kiran Rao filed a complaint at the Khar police station late last week when she found out that jewellery worth Rs 80 lakh is missing from her Bandra house. According to reports, a ring and a diamond necklace were missing from her bedroom, following which the police registered a first information report under Section 453 (theft in dwelling house, etc) of the Indian Penal Code.
Though nobody from the Khan family is available for comments, but the police has been constantly grilling the three domestic help. The investigative officers also visited their homes in order to find the stolen ring and diamond necklace. It is also being said that all three of them are being grilled at the Khar police station from morning till evening and the police have still not come up with any solid leads.
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This is not the first time that our Bollywood celebs have fallen victim to such cases. From Amitabh Bachchan and Shilpa Shetty Kundra to Hema Malini and Kajol, many of the stars were robbed of expensive jewellery and cash by their domestic help. Kajol filed the complaint of her 17 missing gold bangles, while Shilpa Shetty’s residence was robbed of an expensive music system and an iPod. Also, in 2010 actress Hema Malini’s bungalow was robbed of Rs 84 lakh by two of the security guards who work round the clock for the Deol family.
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Well, it seems like hiring trustworthy domestic help is also a tough task for our B-Town celebs.
Also read: Karan Johar reviews the story of Aamir Khan’s Dangal
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