Abhijeet Bhattacharya, who has become popular lately owing to the comments he passes on vari0us issues, has now said he stands with Hindu, Hindutva and Hindustan. The singer also said he would do anything for Hindutva. Abhijeet in a video message made this statement and apologised for not making it to the ongoing All India Hindu Convention in Goa. Abhijeet is quite famous for his stand against Pakistan.
“I am associated with Hindu, Hindutva and Hindustan. I will follow your footsteps,” the 58-year-old said in a video message sent to the organisers of the convention. He also said he could not make it to the event due to unfortunate circumstances. He had in the past said he gives priority to the nation and patriotism over music.
Now, we wonder how this statement of Abhijeet is taken by his critics. The singer made it to headline a few days ago when he supported Paresh Rawal over his controversial statement on Arundhati Roy. Paresh Rawal had said that Roy should have been used as a human shield in front of the army jeep. Abhijeet then tweeted in his support and later even abused a few women on the micro-blogging website including student leader Shehla Rashid. After this, Abhijeet’s account was suspended. Taking Abhijeet’s side after the incident, Sonu Nigam quit Twitter saying the norms of the micro-blogging website were unfair.
Also read: Here’s why Twitter is right in also suspending Singer Abhijeet’s ‘temporary’ handle
The ongoing Hindu convention has created quite a stir. At the convention, Sadhvi Saraswat asked Hindus to stock weapons in their houses and also asked the government to announce death penalty for those who ate beef. This statement by Sadhvi garnered criticism and Congress alleged she was spreading communal hatred. The party also called for strict actions against Sadhvi.
Here is the video in which Abhijeet said he would always follow footsteps of Hindutva:
Watch Singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya extending full support to pro-hindus, unfortunately he could not attend the scheduled #6thHinduAdhiveshan pic.twitter.com/bHqmOSpl7B
— Hindujagrutiorg (@hindujagrutiorg) June 16, 2017
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