Abhishek Bachchan will share screen space with wife Aishwarya Rai after a long gap of seven years. If media reports are to be believed, the film is titled Gulab Jamun which is being produced by Anurag Kashyap. The director of this romantic comedy is a newcomer. The couple last appeared in Mani Ratnam’s Raavan in 2010.
In Bollywood, it is not guaranteed that real life star couples will be able to rekindle the same chemistry on the silver screen too. Akshay Kumar-Twinkle Khanna, Saif Ali Khan-Kareena Kapoor, Ajay Devgn-Kajol are the celebrity couples who could not weave the same magic before the cinema-goers.
Abhishek and Aishwarya started seeing each other when the former was shooting for Dhoom 2. The duo announced the engagement on 14 January 2007 and tied the knot in April the same year. At the time of their marriage, the couple appeared in Mani Ratnam’s Guru which turned out to be a critical and commercial success. The chemistry between the two stars was appreciated which raked in a lot of moolahs. However, Abhishek and Aishwarya shared screen space again in Sarkar Raj the next year. Despite a successful prequel, the political thriller could not rekindle the same magic.
Two years later, the couple teamed up with Mani Ratnam again for action flick Raavan. It was expected that the outing will turn out to be a successful one. Alas! The chemistry between Abhishek and Aishwarya fizzled out on the silver screen. We don’t know the reason why.
It is unfair to single out Abhishek and Aishwarya in terms of their failure in replicating chemistry into box office success. Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor appeared in films like Tashan, Kurbaan and Agent Vinod. Sadly, it seemed that the viewers were content only seeing them in filmy parties and donning covers of glossy magazines. Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna’s pairing too suffered the same fate at the box office. It was surprising as our Khiladi Kumar drew whistles from the crowd each time he shared screen space with his former ladyloves like Raveena Tandon and Shilpa Shetty. Ajay Devgn’s on-screen chemistry with his wife Kajol did not impress the audience in Raju Chacha and U, Me Aur Hum.
Lastly, if you go by past experiences it is clear that the Bachchan couple will have to churn out something extraordinary to set cash registers ringing. All we can say is, BEST OF LUCK!
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