Amitabh Bachchan still has two-months to celebrate his 75th birthday. But his son and actor Abhishek Bachchan has wished his dad a very happy birthday in advance. He took to the micro-blogging site Twitter and posted a sweet message along with a collage of his pictures. Not only the junior Bachchan, the senior Bachchan also took to Twitter and thanked his fans for the wishes he has received for his well being. Soon the wishes started pouring in from all corners on his account.
You must be wondering why Abhishek wished the mega star and why it’s raining wishes for Amitabh? We’ll give you the real reason why everyone is wishing Big B happy birthday. On August 2, 1982, the Shehanshah of Bollywood was reborn after he survived a fatal injury while filming Coolie. Today on August 2, 2017, he thanked his well wishers for praying for him when he was about to die.
T 2503 – August 2, 1982 .. सासें बंद होने को थीं , परंतु आप सब की प्रार्थना ने मुझे जीवित रक्खा । एक ऋण जिसे मैं कभी भी उतार नहीं सकूँगा ।
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) August 1, 2017
Only true Legends are born twice. Happy Birthday @SrBachchan
Love you.— Abhishek Bachchan (@juniorbachchan) August 2, 2017
Amitabh was injured while filming an action sequence with co-star Puneet Issar. He hit the corner of a table, instead of landing on top of it, which resulted in an internal abdominal injury. From Bengaluru, he was rushed to a Mumbai hospital where he underwent multiple surgeries and was declared clinically dead for a few minutes. He remained in the hospital for several months and resumed the shoot of Coolie in February 1983.
Big B will be next seen in Thugs of Hindostan. This will be the first time Amitabh Bachchan and Aamir Khan will be sharing screen space. He is currently shooting for 102 Not Out, where he will be seen as a 102-year-old man and will play father to veteran actor Rishi Kapoor. It marks the reunion of both the stars after 26 years. They were last seen together in Shashi Kapoor directorial Ajooba.
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