The big daddy of Bollywood sanskaar, Alok Nath, is facing the music against rape allegations from nearly 19 years ago. After a month of receiving an official complaint from the alleged victim, the Mumbai police has filed a rape case against the actor. Filed on 17th October, the complaint claimed that Nath drugged and raped the alleged victim.
About six weeks ago, TV writer/producer Vinta Nanda wrote a Facebook post, in which she claimed to have gone to a party where her drink was spiked, and she was offered a lift by Nath. In the harrowing post, Nanda claimed to have been raped not just once, but twice, by the actor. It was hardly surprising that post went viral on social media.
Named in the post, Tara actor Navneet Nishan, corroborated Nanda’s story by saying that the said actor had tried to molest her, for which she slapped him in full public view. Actor Sandhya Mridul spoke about her debilitating experience of working Alok Nath, where he allegedly tried to force his way into her hotel room after being drunk. Mridul also spoke about how the late veteran Reema Lagoo ‘protected her’ for the rest of the shoot.
An FIR has been registered against Nath under Section 376 under the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
Shortly after the Facebook post went viral, Alok Nath’s wife Ashu Singh had filed a complaint against Nanda for defamation. Nath followed with a defamation case that was dismissed by the Bombay Civil & Sessions Court. In the wake of all the allegations against him, Nath was expelled from CINTAA (Cine & TV Artistes’ Association).
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