Deepika Padukone was the latest victim of slut-shaming on the internet. Her photoshoot for the international magazine, Maxim was being criticised because the actress was wearing something completely ‘inappropriate’ from people’s morality standards. She wore a white crop top with a high-waisted hipster.
As soon as she posted the picture on Instagram, moral policing started and people tried to tell her how she is no more a ‘Bharatiya Nari’ and she has ruined the expectations her fans had from her. Deepika posted this:
Now read how she disappointed people:
But, Deepika knows her business well and how to give it back to the haters without actually shouting loud and standing on their heads. Here’s what her latest Instagram post is:
Yes, Deepika has posted another quite stunning picture of her from the same photoshoot without captioning it. Isn’t it the best way to shush people without even uttering a single word. It’s like ‘hell yeah, here you go dear haters. Here is another picture for you. Now go on and slam me as much as you can.’
This is not for the first time an actress is being slut shamed for looking in a certain way. Earlier this week, Priyanka Chopra was criticised for wearing a white short dress while meeting PM Narendra Modi. Then, Dangal star Fatima Sana Shaikh was also criticised for posting a bikini-clad photo of her on Instagram during Ramadan days. Here’s what Priyanka Chopra posted:
And here’s what Fatima Sana Shaikh posted:
Now check out other photos of Deepika Padukone from her Maxim photoshoot.
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