Ram Gopal Varma is back in the news after he posted few things on the micro-blogging website Twitter. The filmmaker, who has a habit of saying nasty things about filmstars, asked on his Twitter timeline who would win the battle between Tiger Shroff and Vidyut Jammwal. He pitted these two actors against each other since both quite well understand martial arts. Vidyut also shared an audio on his Twitter timeline wherein RGV sounds drunk. The filmmaker can also be heard calling Tiger Shroff- the most beautiful woman he ever saw.
The Sarkar 3 director went on a rampage tagging both Vidyut and Tiger asking them to fight it out on the streets and show who is stronger. He then said that Vidyut doesn’t have the courage to take on Tiger as he believed Jackie Shroff’s son would finish off the former with just one punch.
This might have irked Vidyut as he shared the audio of RGV. It seems that RGV understood his mistake later and apologised for the irritation his tweets may have caused to both the stars. Not only this, RGV also said he would stop drinking vodka and apologised to fans of South star Pawan Kalyan, since he had on many occasions insulted the star.
What was more surprising that RGV swore on Steven Spielberg, Amitabh Bachchan and his mother that he won’t drink vodka again. He wrote on Twitter, “And irrespective of both our motivations and intentions I truly owe my radical changeover to @VidyutJammwal”.
Also read: Ram Gopal Varma takes offense on Romeo’s behalf, offers way too many suggestions to Yogi Adityanath
Check out the tweets of RGV:
As a martial arts fan am really curious about who’s better fighter btwn @iTIGERSHROFF and @VidyutJammwal ..I wish they will fight and prove
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 10, 2017
I personally think @iTIGERSHROFF is far better and he should challenge @VidyutJammwal for a real fight and prove to everyone that he’s best
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 10, 2017
My bet is on @iTIGERSHROFF and am sure he will prove he’s Bruce Lee ka baap by destroying @VidyutJammwal in an open challenge real fight
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 10, 2017
Correction of my earlier tweet is I heard @VidyutJammwal said ..I dint hear directly
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 10, 2017
If @iTIGERSHROFF openly challenges @VidyutJammwal for a direct real fight @VidyutJammwal will runaway to the Shaolin Temple
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 10, 2017
As a @iTIGERSHROFF fan am so waiting for him to throw an open challenge for a real fight to that b s t d e f x s n y @VidyutJammwal
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 10, 2017
In a real street fight I will bet everything on @iTIGERSHROFF becos I believe he will finish off @VidyutJammwal with just one single punch
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 10, 2017
Am super sure that @VidyutJammwal will never have the guts to take on @iTIGERSHROFF ‘s challenge
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 10, 2017
Just decided to get off Vodka and also want to apologise to every1 i evr bothered including Lord Ganpati’s devotees nd @PawanKalyan ‘s fans
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 11, 2017
For all those who are disbelieving my vow,since I don’t believe in God,I hearby swear on my mother,Steven Spielberg and @SrBachchan
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 11, 2017
And irrespective of both our motivations and intentions I truly owe my radical changeover to @VidyutJammwal
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 11, 2017
Great Bruce Lee evolved me and @VidyutJammwal de evolved me nd I thank @SrBachchan for being stabilising factor..I owe my existence to him
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 11, 2017
I want to thank @VidyutJammwal for the extraordinary expose not to the people about me,but for exposing me to myself about myself
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 11, 2017
I truly thank @VidyutJammwal for my changeover nd I want to apologise to Bruce Lee for not understanding him the way Vidyut made me realise
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 11, 2017
Jumping straight into the debate, Kamaal Rashid Khan aka KRK tagged RGV and asked him why did he drink so much. He also said that recording the conversation between Vidyut and RGV proves that it is not safe to talk to anyone. Here is what he tweeted:
Hahahaha! Sarkar @RGVzoomin Itni Peete Hi KYON ho, Jo Kuch Kahkar Baad main Maaafi Maangni Pade! https://t.co/xBbYVoDNG2
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) April 11, 2017
Recording conversations between Vidyut n RGV has gone viral on social media n It seems dat now it’s not safe to talk to anybody on the phone
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) April 11, 2017
Interestingly, this is the same RGV who slammed Tiger Shroff a few days ago for being ‘over-girly’. And now he is placing his bets on him. We are forced to ask the question- why does RGV make such statements?
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