The announcement of the 64th National Film Awards became the talk of the town thanks to Akshay Kumar. The Airlift star who was named as the Best Actor for Rustom surprised everybody. The jury of the awards was lead by Priyadarshan, who has directed Akshay in his several films. Rumors have it that this frequent collaboration leads Akshay to bag his first National Award. After Hansal Mehta, who directed Manoj Bajpayee in Aligarh expressed his disappointment over the awards, now filmmaker A.R. Murugadoss expressed his views on the same and called the jury members “biased”.
He took to twitter to slam the jury of the National Awards and wrote: #NationalAwards Can clearly witness the influence & partiality of people in jury, it’s biased.
The question of partiality and bias became a topic of debate after Akshay Kumar won the Best Actor award for Rustom, snubbing potential winners such as Aamir Khan, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Shahid Kapoor and Manoj Bajpayee among others.
Meanwhile, Priyadarshan also expressed his views on the whole issue and said: “For the Best Actor category, we had four people in the final round. Akshay had two films (‘Airlift’ and ‘Rustom’). Mohanlal had three films. Besides them, two other Bengali actors were there. Akshay and Mohanlal were the main two contenders” news agency IANS quoted him as saying.
Justifying their choice of the winner, the 60-year-old further added: “Sometimes, an actor looks impressive because of a tailor-made role. But that’s not an actor. An actor is somebody who does different roles and survives for years… So considering that we found Akshay the suitable one.”
Apart from Akshay Kumar, Amitabh Bachchan starrer Pink which raked up discussions on crimes against women has won the Best Film on Social Issues at 64th National Film Awards.
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