The controversy around Kangana Ranaut doesn’t look to end anytime soon. Kangana, who blasted Aditya Pancholi and Hrithik Roshan at Rajat Sharma’s famours show, Aap Ki Adalat, seems to have invited more legal trouble for herself. Her alleged ex-boyfriend, Aditya Pancholi has decided to file a case against her allegation made on him. The Simran actress had said that Pancholi abused her and kept under house arrest for days when she was a struggling actor.
In an interview given to a leading daily, Pancholi said that “She is a mad girl, what to do, did you see the interview? Didn’t you feel like some mad person was talking? Who talks like that? We have been in the industry for so long, nobody has ever spoken anything so evil about anyone. What should I say, she’s a mad girl. If you throw stones in mud, it will only spoil your clothes.”
Pancholi further added that “I am going to take a legal action against her. She is lying that’s why I am taking legal action against her. I don’t know about other people, but as far as my story goes and what she has spoken about me, she has said all lies. She has to prove that I have done that. My family is very much affected by it. My wife and I will take legal action against her.”
Also read: Kangana Ranaut blasts Hrithik Roshan and family once again, says the case is made up of lies
“I am just hurt, and in all this controversy. I am so worried about her, she is such a good actress. God has given her so much, she should be grateful about it. She should be now more humble and nice to everyone. According to her, the entire world is a villain and only she is nice,” Pancholi added.
It is to be noted that Kangana is already in a legal battle with the Roshans. And when Pancholi filing another case against her, the trouble time for Kangana doesn’t seem to end soon.
Source– Bollywood Life
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