Trust Karan Johar to be the first one to get on any bandwagon that’s good for business. And it’s no surprise that the producer/director has picked up the rights to remake Vijay Deverakonda-starrer, Dear Comrade. Johar took to Instagram to share the news, saying that he ‘had the pleasure to watch the intense love story’ in Dear Comrade and that Dharma will be producing the Hindi remake for the same.
It’s not a coincidence that this announcement comes while a remake of another ‘intense love story’ starring Vijay Deverakonda, has just turned out to be the biggest blockbuster of the year. Kabir Singh, a remake of Arjun Reddy, has just broken the Rs 250-crore barrier at the box office, making it the biggest hit of Shahid Kapoor’s career.
One look at the Dear Comrade trailer, and you can see why Karan Johar would see the potential for good business. Just like his character in Arjun Reddy, Vijay Deverakonda’s Bobby is a mercurial student leader in his college, and he doesn’t think twice before breaking beer bottles on someone’s head. He meets a girl, is smitten by her, but his anger issues cause them to not be together. Leaving a bearded Deverakonda to tear up while sitting next to his bike. Sound familiar?
In spite of Kabir Singh‘s monster success, the film was initially panned by nearly all reputed critics. Many senior critics were unhappy with film out for making appalling behaviour look ‘masculine and desirable’. But then as we all know, these moral science lessons go in the trash can, as soon as the box office shows blockbuster dollar signs. Will Karan Johar be more responsible with the Dear Comrade Hindi remake? As Karan Johar showed with Dhadak, he couldn’t care less. So there’s no reason to get our hopes up.
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