After desi girl Priyanka Chopra, another Bollywood actress is likely to grace The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Yes, Deepika Padukone may soon be seen on the show to promote her Hollywood debut xXx: Return of Xander Cage. Well, as both Deepika and Priyanka are game to rule the Hollywood, comparisons are bound to happen.
We all saw Priyanka having a gala time on the show and playing the Drinko game like a pro. And now with Deepika rumoured to be the second B-Town actress on the show, we are hoping to see some more fun moments. Deepika’s work in xXx is highly praised by the people and the film fraternity.
The film which is all set to release on January 14 in India, is the third installment in the xXx series. Globally, the film will hit the screens on January 20. The trailer is already winning hearts all around the world and Deepika’s hefty appearance in the Hindi trailer is simply a treat for her fans.
With everybody praising her for keeping the ‘desi vibe’ alive internationally, Deepika says that she feels proud to represent India globally. In an interview with IANS she said:
I think I’d like to be known as a good person and a good actor. But I also feel very proud that I get to represent my country, especially in this kind of action franchise of the film.
While an official confirmation is yet to be made by Deepika Padukone about being a part of the show. We really hope that both Priyanka and Deepika keep making India proud globally.
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