It seems 2017 is going to a busy year for Salman Khan and the actor already has a plan for it. Salman is currently juggling between his small and big screens commitments. Currently, he is shooting for his next Bollywood outing Tiger Zinda Hai, and soon after, he will be seen hosting the eleventh season of Bigg Boss. But now according to a leading daily, ahead of the show, the actor is planning to lock himself in his Panvel farm house. Yes, you read that right, according to a leading daily report, the Sultan actor will soon return to India after wrapping up the Ali Abbas Zafar’s directorial and go for a (volunteer) house arrest in his Panvel farmhouse.
Reportedly, it is being said that the actor, who has a busy year ahead, wants to take some time out from his busy schedule and spend his time with his family. Speculation was also rife that all the staff members of the house have been ordered to get everything right before the Dabangg Khan arrives. However, nothing has been confirmed yet.
On the professional front, Salman Khan is all set to host the upcoming season of Bigg Boss 11. The show has already created a lot buzz for all the good reasons. The final list of contestants is yet to be announced, however, some well-known names of celebrities like Nia Sharma, Cezanne Khan, Nandish Sandhu, Gauri Arora and Rani Chatterjee are already doing the rounds.
Bigg Boss is all set to kick start on Colors TV from October 1.
Meanwhile, he also has Ramesh Taurani’s Race 3 where his character will have shades of grey.
Also Read: Race 3 to be Salman Khan’s first negative role, confirms Ramesh Taurani
Source: Mumbai Mirror
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