Akshay Kumar will be felicitated with National Award today and ahead of the honour, the star has shared an inspiring message on Twitter. The superstar started the video by saying why this National Award win is really special and revealed a really important story about his life. But what makes this video amazing is that Akshay touched on the topic of mental illness and stress through the video.
The star revealed that he once flunked in a class and that’s when his parents asked him about future plans. Akshay said he quite openly told his parents that he is interested in sports and would want to build a career out of it. He said if his parents had not understood this thing of his, he wouldn’t have been able to win the award.
Akshay then spoke about stress and depression and urged everyone to speak about the issue. By revealing few alarming statistics, the star said that the number of suicide cases in India is really high. He urged students to talk about their issues and understand that no mark sheet is more important than their lives. He also slammed parents for not talking to their kids and being busy with their phones all the times.
Giving the example of army men on the border, Akshay said it would be better if rather than committing suicide, people fought with enemies and protected the nation.
It goes without saying that Akshay’s words really need to be given a thought. It is true that we have been so busy in our lives that forget about the troubles of people around us. Let’s talk people, let’s talk.
Like there’s no lock made without a key,no problem comes without solutions. Watch & do think,sharing with u’ll some thoughts, #DirectDilSe pic.twitter.com/dUcPl4zeXB
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) May 3, 2017
Akshay Kumar will be given the National Award for best actor for his movie Rustom, in which he played the role of naval officer Rustom Pavri who was tried for the murder of his wife’s lover’s murder.
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