Former Bigg Boss contestant Ajaz Khan has posted a Facebook video challenging gau rakshaks to shut the company, Harley Davidson, if they were so keen on protecting cows. In a video, Ajaz posted on Facebook he mentioned UP Chief Minster Yogi Adityanath and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. An infuriated Ajaz also asked politicians to stop creating a divide between Hindu and Muslims.
The actor who is shooting in Kashmir showed a belt that he was wearing. He said he brought the belt from Harley Davidson for Rs 8,000. Ajaz added that if people have huge issues with things being made from cow leather, then they should take strict steps and bring the shutters down on the company.
Ajaz also asked people to focus on the ill condition of stray cattle rather than teaming up to beat a person. In the video, Ajaz can be seen pointing out that gau rakshaks cause harm and have killed many people in the nation. He said many have kept quiet on the matter but he would not.
“I just bought a leather belt from Harley Davidson yesterday. This is a cow leather belt. It’s being sold in the entire world. You want to create a divide amongst citizens of the country. You want to create riots amongst Hindu and Muslims. I request as Gau Rakshaks, UP CM Yogi Adityanath and PM Modi to shut down Harley Davidson… I have also observed the poor state of stray cows on the road. Please save them first. I will not shy away from speaking the truth. Don’t divide Hindus and Muslims in the country,” said Ajaz Khan.
Also read: NO ONE KILLED Pehlu Khan in Alwar. Is Modi government in denial of Gau Rakshaks’ violent ways?
Check out the full video here:
The video has got over a million views and around 50,000 shares on Facebook in less than a day. It is left to be seen how this video of Ajaz is received by the gau-rakshaks and by the people he mentioned in the video.
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