The love story of Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna has all the elements of a Bollywood movie. He was a star who made it big from nowhere, she was the daughter of Bollywood superstar Rajesh Khanna. But it was always meant to be between them and their marriage has been a proof of that. Married for sixteen years now, Twinkle and Akshay have given relationship goals to an entire generation.
But if you thought, there has been only love and romance in their relationship, you are mistaken. On their 16th wedding anniversary, Twinkle shared a video of them trying to kill each other, of course in a jestful manner. This only tells how a marriage is actually build, with loads of love and bit of fights.
A few weeks ago, Twinkle and Akshay appeared on the chat show Koffee With Karan and even the host Karan Johar was taken by surprise. He pointed out that even after so many years of marriage, they sat hand in hand with each other, something that was a testimony of their undying love.
Also read: Twinkle Khanna is a flawed feminist, but an honest intellectual that Bollywood needs
At the episode, Akshay sang a song for Twinkle and not only won her heart but also of those who saw the episode. They also spoke about what makes their marriage work. Akshay and Twinkle spoke about the things they love about each other and the ones they didn’t. Despite being poles apart, these two celebs have proved that they are a match made ion heaven.
Check out Twinkle’s post for their anniversary:
16 years of trying to kill each other and we still haven’t succeeded:) #16thanniversary #partnersincrime
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) January 17, 2017
The star couple also has two kids- Nitara and Aarav.
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