Actor Akshay Kumar, who is gearing up for the release of his next, Toilet: Ek Prem Katha, on Thursday revealed an incident from his own life to highlight the risk children face in day-to-day life, and the importance of communication to identify sexual predators. The Airlift actor spoke at the International Conference on Human Trafficking in Mumbai. Sharing a shocking incident, Akshay revealed how a lift-man once touched him inappropriately when he was a kid.
“Let me share my own experience with you all here. When I was a very young kid, a lift-man once touched me inappropriately. Since I had good communication with my parents, I told them about this incident. Later the same person was caught in another case and was found to be a habitual offender,” said Akshay.
Further stressing on the importance of communication children have with their parents, Kumar added: “Parents and children must have a free interaction so that such offenders are identified immediately.”
This is not the first time a Bollywood celebrity has come out in open and shared stories of sexual assault. Earlier, Sonam Kapoor and Kalki Koechlin too have gone public and shared such incidents of child sexual abuse.
On the work front, Akshay Kumar was last seen essaying a key role in Taapsee Pannu starrer Naam Shabana, touted to have been India’s first spin-off movie. As of now, he is juggling between promotions of his next release Toilet: Ek Prem Katha and shooting the upcoming film Gold.
Also Read: Jab Harry met Sejal vs Toilet Ek Prem Katha clash averted, Shah Rukh Khan’s film to now release on THIS date
Directed by Shree Narayan Singh, the film also features actress Bhumi Pednekar and Anupam Kher in pivotal roles. Produced by Viacom Motion Pictures, the film is slated to hit the silver screen on August 11.
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