Akshay Kumar’s upcoming film Padman is based on the life of Arununchalam Muruganantham, who invented cheap sanitary pads for the women in his village. The R Balki directorial has already made a lot of headlines. On the occasion of Menstrual Hygiene Day, Akshay took to Twitter and shared a powerful video, posting,”Break the silence on menstruation, periods are nothing to hide!’
The video features Aranya Johar who powerfully describes why there is no need to hide during menstruation and urges women to bleed with pride.
Break the silence on menstruation, periods are nothing to hide! #MenstrualHygieneDay –> https://t.co/BoNedwz20C pic.twitter.com/DvV0HvEsHx
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) May 28, 2017
Also read: Padman: A peek at the roles Amitabh Bachchan and Sonam Kapoor will be playing in Akshay Kumar’s film
The movie marks the debut of Akshay’s wife Twinkle Khanna’s production venture Mrs Funnybones Movies. Recently Twinkle had said that men are hesitant to talk about sanitary pads and periods. She hoped that the film would cater to all sections of the society. Adding further, she said that her motive was not to rake in moolah for the film.
“I hope we can make sanitary pads free. An online petition is already in place over the issue,” she said.
The film also features Radhika Apte and Sonam Kapoor in pivotal roles. Amitabh Bachchan is also doing a cameo. Radhika is reportedly playing Akshay’s wife whereas Sonam plays the role of an English teacher in the movie. It is for the first time when Radhika and Akshay are sharing screen space and the movie is being shot in a village near Indore.
Padman is likely to hit the theatres in December this year and we really can’t wait to see a film on such an unconventional and inspiring subject.
Also read: In Pics: Akshay Kumar and Radhika Apte rock the common man avatar in Padman
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