Akshay Kumar’s hands are already full with many upcoming projects. The actor has Gold, Padman, 2.0, Kesar and Mogul in his kitty. Now, according to reports, the superstar has been roped in for the lead role in the remake of Ajith’s Veeram. The film is reportedly titled Land of Lungi and is to be directed by Farhad of Sajid-Farhad duo. The movie will be produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and will be based in a village.
Veeram was the tale of four brothers. Ajith played the eldest sibling who refused to get married to ensure his brothers lead a happy life. The younger brothers also decide to stay unmarried just like their bhaiyya. However, all three of them had their heart set on different women. Since they could not leave their sweethearts, the brothers decided to first make their elder one fall in love. Directed by Siva, the movie became a hit. It featured Tamannah Bhatia in the lead.
Also read: Toilet: Ek Prem Katha Box Office decoded: How this Akshay Kumar film became a super hit
With Akshay taking up a slew of movies centred on social issues, it was expected that he would sign up for similar projects. But, just as the original one, Lands of Lungi will be an out and out entertaining movie. Speaking about the movie, a source told a daily:
Akshay is very comfortable with Farhad’s brand of humor. As for Akshay and Sajid (Nadiadwala), this will be their ninth film together. They make a great team and are good friends, too. The original film had done good business, and looking at the combination that has come together for the remake, this seems like a safe bet.
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Akshay has not done any South remake after Boss (2013). It would be interesting to see whether this movie manages to impress viewers. As of now, Akshay is basking in the success of Toilet: Ek Prem Katha which did tremendous business at the Box Office.
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