Akshay Kumar’s much-awaited release Toilet: Ek Prem Katha has hit the silver screen and has received praises. After avoiding clashes with Shah Rukh Khan’s Jab Harry Met Sejal, the film is performing decently at the Box Office. Again, Khiladi Kumar’s another film is ready for a face-off with the other. Akshay’s 2.0 will clash with Sidharth Malhotra’s Aiyaary on Republic Day next year. But his advice on Bollywood films clashing at the Box Office is gold and worth keeping in mind for everyone in the entertainment industry.
According to the reports published by a leading daily, while sharing his mind on clashes at the box office Toilet: Ek Prem Katha star said, “Everybody is happy when films don’t clash, but we need to realise that there are just 52 weeks and 180 films, so someone has to clash with someone else. It is unfortunate that clashes happen, but they are a part and parcel of our industry. Clashes are inevitable now. Apart from Hindi, we have Hollywood as well as regional films, so there will be someone or the other eyeing the same release date as yours. You need to accept it and move on.”
Akshay’s 2.0, also starring superstar Rajinikanth, will clash with JP Dutta’s Aiyaary, a war drama on Republic Day next year. It is to be noted that, Akshay and Sidharth have shared the screen in a 2015 release Brothers.
On the work front, Akshay has many projects in his kitty. The actor is currently busy shooting for Gold in London. Produced by Excel Entertainment, the film is slated to hit the big screen during Independence Day 2018 weekend.
In 2.0, Akshay Kumar would be seen in a negative role opposite Rajinikanth and the film is touted to be the costliest Indian film made yet. Director Shankar has shot the film in 3D and the producers have reassured the fans that they’d get a never seen before experience watching the film.
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