Alia Bhatt turned 24 on Wednesday and the actress hosted a small party at her new house to celebrate her big day. The party was attended by Alia’s close friends from the industry and her family. Present at the bash were Alia’s mentor Karan Johar, close friend Sidharth Malhotra and her Dear Zindagi co-star Shah Rukh Khan to name a few.
Many other Bollywood celebs also took to social media and wished the actress, but the most lovable message was that of her father Mahesh Bhatt. The filmmaker took to his Twitter account and posted a throwback picture of the actress with a caption: Happy birthday princess. You are my masterpiece.
Well, coming back to Alia’s birthday bash, the actress also received a super cute gift which is hands down the best thing about the whole celebration. And before you start thinking the name of the person who gifted her this super cute gift, let us make you clear that it is Alia Bhatt’s gift to herself.
We all know that the actress is an animal lover and is also very fond of cats. In fact, her social media accounts are filled with pictures of them. Making another addition to her cats family, Alia has gifted herself a cute little adorable kitten and shared the news with her fans by posting a picture of herself holding the furry snowball in her hands.
Alia captioned the image: The newest member of our family. Happy Birthday to me. Soon after the actress posted the photo, her sister Shaheen Bhatt also took to Instagram and posted the picture of the kitten revealing its name. The Bhatt’s have decided to call the kitten as Edward. Now that’s one cool name!
Well, these pictures of Edward Bhatt will immediately make you fall in love with it. Have a look:
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