Alia Bhatt is currently shooting in Punjab for Meghna Gulzar’s film Raazi, which also features Vicky Kaushal. However, the filming was brought to a sudden halt due to the violence perpetrated across several states over the conviction of Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim. The team chose to remain in the hotel in Patiala and preferred not to risk their lives due to widespread chaos and arson.
According to reports, Alia and Kaushal were filming a scene on August 25 when the news about the conviction of the self-styled godman broke. The director had no option but to call for a pack-up. The director felt that it wasn’t safe to shoot in Patiala as well as travel as that would put the lives of stars and crew in danger. The team preferred to stay in the hotel during the weekend. The makers did not want any untoward situation considering the circumstances in the state.
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A leading news website reported that Meghna Gulzar held a meeting with the producers last night wherein it was decided that the shooting would have to be put off till Monday. The decision was taken keeping in mind that Gurmeet Ram Rahim will be sentenced today at around 2.30 pm.
Violence broke across Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and parts of the national capital after a special CBI court in Panchkula convicted Gurmeet Ram Rahim in 2002 rape case. Soon, his followers went berserk as they unleashed mayhem and vandalised vehicles. More than 30 people have been killed and over 250 injured in the violence so far.
Source: Mid-Day
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